Saturday, April 30, 2011

Traditional versus 2.0 media attention

by Sarah Santacroce


On Friday I assisted a conference entitled “How to attract media attention”. It was lead by a journalist and there were 3 panel speakers. A tv journalist and two small business owners who testified their success by getting media attention.

It was an interesting morning, but…

what bothered me is that they never mentioned the new way of submitting press releases: online ! The whole discussion revolved around how to attract a journalist’s attention. But let’s face it: a small business or individual entrepreneur, which is not in a absolute trendy industry that everybody wants to read about (such as biodegradable shopping bags like the ones that one of the panelist’s company designed) or has a close friend who’s a journalist, has very little chance to be featured in the local newspaper or on tv.

That’s why I couldn’t resist and got up in front of close to a hundred people and mentioned that they should not forget to submit their press releases also ONLINE (of course I made a complete fool out of myself because I hate speaking in public and get very nervous, but that’s ok, I made my point :-)

So here is just a quick reminder of why you should submit your press releases online (even if you have little hope that a journalist will pick up your story):

Online Press Releases

  • reach a huge audience of potential clients who search for your company online
  • get excellent ranking on Google since they are a non-static part of your website
  • increase traffic to your website
  • create a back link, increasing your page ranking again
  • create “buzz” about your company

So don't forget: submit regular online Press Releases !

For more information about Press Release Marketing read my earlier post “Increase your Online Visibility with Press Release Marketing”.

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