Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why rocks ?

Simplicity Admin Solutions, Sarah SantacroceSome of you may have wondered about my reasoning when I chose my logo... This post will hopefully convince you that I didn't just randomly pick one, but actually gave it some thought :-)

  1. Link to the word "Simplicity"
    When I chose my company name, I immediately thought of "Simplicity". First of all I like the sound of it, and second I think it expresses the "raison d'être" of my business: we help other companies to simplify their work day. So when it came to choosing a logo to go with my company name, I did what everybody would do: I Googled "Simplicity" and hit "images". The result is a strange mix of pictures, but the second one in that huge selection convinced me (see below). It expressed everything that subconsciously was engraved in my mind when thinking about "Simplicity": simple things in life, simple yet sophisticated, "nature made" versus "human made" etc. Do you see what I mean?

  2. Building on something
    What I also liked about this picture, is that it's not "only" a scene of natural beauty, like a beach or a mountain, but there is obvious human involvement visible. Somebody built that rock stack with great care and concentration. And that's what we do at Simplicity Admin Solutions: we build small things, with great care and attention to detail. Our clients focus on their core business and the big picture, while we concentrate on the little things that need to be done.

  3. Global notion
    Last but not least I wanted to give my logo a "global look". As a multilingual VA I work with clients from all over the world, and I wanted my logo to express that notion. So we added the circled arrow which stands for "around the world".

So there you have it. This was my reasoning when I created my logo. Are you convinced ? :-)

P.S. I worked with the Logo Design Team to create my logo and they were great. Very good value and excellent customer service!

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication", Leonardo DaVinci

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