1. Create a Specific Space to Call Your Office
Preferably you have your own office, with a door that you can close. If that’s not possible, make sure your family members know which specific space in the house they have to consider and respect as your office.
2. Limit time wasters
Instant messaging, Twitter, web surfing, Skype are all distracting your work and will result in lost productivity. Reserve a certain time slot during the day for these activities and limit them for the rest of the day.
3. Limit distractions and interruptions
Schedule times to review and respond to mail, email and voice mail. Set up a separate business phone line. Turn off e-mail and let the answering machine pick up the phone during the rest of the day.
4. Let friends and family know that you are a professional
Just because you are working from home, doesn’t mean that you are available for coffee breaks and phone calls all day long.
5. Create a schedule to start and complete a given task and stick to it
Begin and end tasks on time. A daily or weekly "To Do" list can also be a helpful tool to stay on track and stay productive.
6. Learn new tools for better time management
Invest some time in learning new tools that will help you save time in the long run. Share your favorite time saving tool in the comments! I like echosign.com to get my contracts signed and returned to me in no time (no more faxing, reminding, sending back etc.)
7. Take breaks and exercise
Mistakes happen more often when you are tired and overwhelmed. Take a break, go for a walk or a run. Physical activity clears your head, reduces stress and therefore boosts your productivity.