Friday, May 14, 2010

Business Cards should mean business

by Guest blogger Charlotte Everiss, Virtual Secretary Solutions, England

Someone passed me a business card last week that was quite frankly the most uninspiring card I have seen for quite some time. It simply said on it the name of the company; no slogan no information as to what they did and no contact information for the individual just a very boring card. Looking back at the card today to enter into my CRM I have no idea for the life of me which individual it related to at the networking event. Unfortunately, this is not the first time I have seen this marketing error on a business card and it sure as eggs is eggs won’t be the last.

Business cards = offline marketing

A cheap and effective way to market your small business offline is to use business card marketing. You can carry a few business cards with you whenever you go out, you never know who you will get talking to that might be interested in the products or services your business provides.

A business card should let people know who you are, how they can contact you and should be clear as to what your business is. If it is not clear what you do from your company name or logo then make sure you include a short description to make this clear – in case the recipient of your card forgets what you do a few weeks later – thus rendering your business card useless.

An effective business card marketing strategy should utilise the back of the business card. The extra cost of printing on the back is not much more than a single-side business card and there are so many commercial printers out there offering great printing deals.

The back of your business card is the perfect place to market and advertise some of the services you provide. You could offer a discount if a customer produces your card in person or for online customers you can ask them to enter a discount number on your web site.

Try offering something for free, like an ebook that they can download (provide a web page URL on the back of your card) which has useful articles related to your business products or services. This can help build trust in your business and can make potential customers more likely to use you. For artists, illustrators or photographers, then the back of your business card is a good place to add a sample image of your best work.

Make the most of your business card marketing by using both sides but keep it simple, uncluttered and professional looking and most of all, make sure you hand them out when the situation arises. Although there are hundreds of business card templates available on the web for free I would really advise that you spend the time having something created that is individual and really gives your customers a feel for what you and your company does. Your business card may be the first thing you hand over to a prospective client so don’t make the mistake of having cheap printed cards made up that have been seen on hundreds of stock template websites.

Virtual Secretary Solutions is based in Birmingham and designs business cards from just £35 plus we have amazing deals on printing so call us on 0121 288 7474 to talk about making the right impression with your cards.

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