Thursday, June 10, 2010

2 x 10 things (a personal post)

by Sarah Santacroce

If you read my blog on a regular basis (if you don’t, consider subscribing to my RSS :-) you know that I’m moving back to Europe at the end of the month. In an earlier post I wrote about the professional implications of this big move: what it means to be a Virtual Assistant in Europe. This time I’d like to share some more personal reflections, looking back at those 3.5 years living in California. While waiting to pick up my older son from school (the younger one was sleeping in the back of the car), I came up with this list of 2 x 10 things: the first list summarizes the 10 Top things I’ll miss most about our life in California and in the second list I put down the 10 things I look most forward to when thinking about going back to Europe.

They are not in order of importance!

10 things I’ll miss the most :

  1. Sunshine !
  2. Avocados
  3. The Beach
  4. Convenience of shopping whenever I feel like it
  5. Friendliness and positive attitude of people
  6. Our community pool
  7. Eat out without spending a fortune
  8. Mexican food
  9. Calling people by their first name
  10. Did I mention the sun?

Sarah Santacroce, bilingual Virtual Assistant

10 things I look most forward to:

  1. Family and friends
  2. Mountains
  3. Grocery store and school within walking distance
  4. Home made food at dinner parties
  5. Clean air
  6. Different types of music on the radio, not just English!
  7. Weekends in Paris, Florence, Barcelona…
  8. Long summer nights (in California it get’s dark at 8 even in July)
  9. The feeling of fitting in, being home
  10. Good looking guys (sorry, Americans are just not my type :-)

view from Sarah Santacroce's office in Switzerland

There you have it :-) Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree with my list :-)

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