Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

A new year has begun. For me and my business an important one. On a personal level the biggest change is probably our move back to Europe sometime in summer 2010. It won't be easy, not for us adults, but also for our kids who have to learn yet an other language.
On a professional level, I want to officially launch Simplicity Admin Solutions in the 2nd half of 2010. And there is still so much preparation to be done. Since I want to work globally, my website has to be translated to German and French. Only this way can I offer a truly international service. Does anybody have experience with multilingual websites ? I would appreciate your comments below.
And my new year's resolution is to write at least 1 blog entry every two weeks. Let's see if I can keep it up.

A very happy, healthy and successful new year to all of you !

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