Friday, January 29, 2010

What's the difference between a Virtual Assistant & an Employee ?

Are you or your small business overloaded with administrative tasks?
Is your paperwork taking up precious time?
Is your to do list never ending?
Do you need somebody to streamline your systems to make them more efficient?

If you answered yes to the above questions, chances are that you need either an employee OR a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT.

But what is the difference, you say.
Ok, lets see. If you have a workload that is regular and so great that it requires an in-house, full time person, you are probably better off hiring an employee to manage your office on a daily basis. You get control over the person's schedule, verify how the work is done, double check all the outcomes etc.

If on the other hand, you have a need for irregular work, short term projects, or simply don't have the space or budget for an employee, working with a Virtual Assistant will absolutely offer you the very best, convenient and strategic alternative in meeting your administrative support needs.

While Virtual Assistants do a lot of work that is similar to what an employee would do, it’s important to keep in mind that there are some major differences about the work relationship to keep in mind:

  • You are the client to a Virtual Assistant, not the employer.
  • You won't be managing or supervising her, or the work, in any way;
  • A Virtual Assistant runs her own business and sets her own fees, hours, policies and procedures;
  • A Virtual Assistant works remotely, using the latest technology to collaborate with you
  • A Virtual Assistant might live in an other time zone and come from an other culture
  • A Virtual Assistant depends on clear communication in order to be able to work independently

Do you think this partnership would work for you ? If you have more questions, drop us a line at or comment below.

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