Friday, January 8, 2010

Multilingual Websites with Office Live Small Business

When living in America, the choice of language for your website is pretty easy. English and English. Or, for those who know some Spanish, they might add a Spanish version. But I don't see that too often either. For Europeans, it gets a bit more complicated ! Alright, in the business world a majority of people probably do speak English, but when it comes to select a service provider, they would always prefer one that also speaks their mother tongue. So, therefore I have to translate my website to French and German. Office Live Small Business tries to help you with that, but the set-up is not perfect. You can create several websites (for free!) and create a package solution from your original site and install it in your other language version, BUT, and there's the catch, you have to have a different e-mail log-in for each website. So I now find myself with 3 different e-mails for each site, each one of them with a different password. Help ! But, if that's the only catch to it, I'll just have to get organized and then start working on these translations.

Find more info here from the Microsoft Office Live support team.

How do you organize all your passwords and log-in information ?
I'd appreciate your tips !

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