by Sarah Santacroce
This is the first post of a 3-post series about Newsletter Marketing. Come back soon or subscribe to my RSS to be sure to get the next articles.
Did you know that e-mail is still the number 1 sharing method for content ? After Facebook and after Twitter ? Think about it… Do you know a person who does not have an e-mail account (Grandparents don’t count). Not likely… Do you know a person who still resists Facebook and Twitter ? I know quite a few and I’m sure you do too !
That’s why Email newsletters are still an essential part of an effective Online Marketing Strategy. Newsletters are a good way of building relationships with your existing customers and network. They are very targeted and effective and with the available tools also very measurable. But let’s look at what other benefits a well prepared newsletter has to offer:
It creates trust
Receiving a regular Ezine (which is another word for Newsletter) creates a feeling of trust in your customers. They feel like they know you a little bit more with each edition and when the moment comes, where they need the services or products that you have to offer, they will think of you first.
It shows your expertise
If choosing the content of your newsletter wisely, you can demonstrate your expertise in your area of activity. So don’t just try to sell your product, act as an expert, give advice and consult your readers.
It offers continuity
Compared to other marketing channels, a newsletter offers continuity. Your subscribers know that they will hear from you every week, month or quarter. They will start to look forward to your e-mail.
It increase referrals
Every newsletter should have a “Share with a friend” button at the bottom. This way the subscriber can forward your e-mail to someone else who he thinks might be interested in your news.
It increases traffic to your website
I mentioned before that the point is not to just sell in your e-mail, but every once in a while it’s ok to slip in a special offer, coupon or just feature one of your bestselling products or services. And by default the footer of your letter will contain a link to your website, so chances are that your traffic will increase.
It increases sales
Let’s be honest here: we are not just writing newsletters because we are nice people and want to help the rest of the world. In the end our main goal is still to increase our sales. And this will happen if you apply all the above suggestions :-)
What do you think ? True or not true ?
Next week we will have a look at 3 of the best e-mail marketing tools on the market which will help you create a nice newsletter.
If you would like to start exploring this marketing technique but don't know where to start, contact your Virtual Assistant or send me an e-mail to
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